Our Vision

To make the institution a model, a heritage site of knowledge, a temple of learning, a monument – which people can come back to… even after years of existence.


The Gurukul system of education emphasizes on qualities such as ‘simple living’, ‘discipline’, ‘loyalty and dutiful’ and ‘quest for learning’. The objective behind naming the school, ‘Gurukul’ was to impart education using the most modern methods of teaching while laying importance on our culture and values, making it a ‘Temple of Learning’.The logo, the bell was chosen after a lot of thought. Symbolically, the body of the bell represents ‘time’, the tongue of the bell represents ‘Goddess Sarawati’, the Goddess of Learning and the handle represents ‘Prana Shakti’. Since Gurukul emphasizes on ‘time management’ and the ‘importance of knowledge’; the bell represents the school and all the values it stands for.



Our Sankalpa

The school aims to be an institution of excellence, dedicated to giving your child ‘TOTAL EDUCATION’, imparting human and moral values and nurturing his in born talents’; through a harmonious integration of spirit, heart, mind and body; Because we believe that education is not for the mind, but also for the spirit within.

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